Some images that meet a certain criteria:
images should be uploaded as global assets in Invintus, Name them based on their use outlined below so we know what to assign.
The Channel Logo will display inside your channel. Upload a 400 x 90
The Splash Screen displays while your channel is loading Upload a 1920 x 1080 JPEG or PNG file.If you choose to have a background image, it should be the same dimensions of the splash screen. and if you want it to not e intrusive, we suggest a transparent background on the image and choose a overlay color.
The logo displays within Roku Search as a button to play your content. Upload a 165 x 60 JPEG or PNG file.
This image will display in the Roku Channel Store. Upload a 540x405 JPEG or PNG image color hex (EX. #0e42cc)
Background overlay color (if using a transparent background image)
Text Color
Progress Color
Channel Name
Web Description (1500 chars)
Preferred Category
Vanity Access Code (Once published, your channel can be added to a Roku account using: (if available))
Your Invintus categories that should be used for each category row.